Would you like to know how rates of mental ill-health differ between men and women? Or the costs of mental health problems in the UK and around the world?
Here you can find a selection of the key statistics related to mental health, including statistics on:

The most common diagnosed mental health conditions
Read our statistics on the most common diagnosed mental health conditions.
People seeking help for diagnosed mental health conditions
Read our statistics on people seeking help.
Investment into mental health research
Read our statistics about investment into mental health research.
The cost of diagnosed mental health conditions
Read our statistics on the cost of diagnosed mental health conditions.
Relationships and community
Read our statistics on mental health and relationships with loved ones or in your community.
People and communities
Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities (BAME)
Read our statistics on BAME communities and mental health.
Children and young people
Read our statistics on mental health for children and young people.
People with learning disabilities
Read our statistics on people with learning disabilities and mental health.
People with physical health conditions
Read our statistics on people with physical health conditions and mental health.

Find out more about mental health
Explore our content about mental health, including our range of A-Z topics.
Explore mental health

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