Statement in response to new Scottish suicide figures released today

26th Jun 2019

This content mentions suicide or suicidal thoughts. Please read with care. There are details of where to find help at the bottom of this page.

In response to the new suicide figures for Scotland released today, Director of Mental Health Foundation Scotland Lee Knifton said: “It’s very concerning to see that the suicide figures for Scotland have increased again, with 784 people taking their lives in 2018.

“It is particularly concerning that the number of deaths in young people, and also women across a number of age groups, is increasing. Each and every suicide is a tragedy which can be devastating and life-changing for those left behind. But we know that suicide is preventable, and it’s vital that the government and wider society continue to work together to prevent as many suicides as possible.

“As members of the Scottish Government’s National Leadership Group for Suicide Prevention, we are committed to working with the other group members to make Scotland a world-leader in suicide prevention. This includes ensuring that we are working as a society to look at and tackle the root causes of distress among young people. We will also continue to focus on those bereaved by suicide. It is crucial we work together to provide the trauma-informed approach they need, and prevent further tragedies.”

If you are feeling like ending your life or feel unable to keep yourself safe, please call 999 or go to A&E and ask for the contact of the nearest crisis resolution team. These are teams of mental health care professionals who work with people in severe distress. If you feel affected by the content you have read, please see our get help page for support.

Scottish media contact

For out of hours urgent press enquiries, please call 07511 076 870.

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Unfortunately, we do not have the capacity to respond to student media requests but we hope the website is useful in helping with your studies.

A-Z Topic: Suicidal thoughts

If you’re feeling suicidal, you’re not alone: one in five of us think about suicide in our lifetimes. Remember that these feelings won’t last. There is help available to keep you safe now and to help with the problems that may be causing your suicidal feelings.

Suicide prevention

There are things we can all do in situations where we are worried about someone who we think may be at risk of suicide. Talking can really make a difference.

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