
8 Results for "suicide"
The Mental Health Foundation, in partnership with Thrive LDN, went out and asked Londoners how we could better support people to be mentally healthy.
This report sets out ways to tackle the rapidly growing level of mental ill-health. It sets out a road map to bring about a prevention revolution in mental health, delivered in every local area. The report helped shape Public Health England's input into the NHS Five Year Forward View for Mental Health.
This report looks at the prevalence of stress in the UK and its implications. It also focuses on what we can do to manage and reduce stress and our recommendations for the government in creating a stress-free UK.
This paper presents a conceptual framework for understanding the relationship between poverty and mental health and offers recommendations to improve the situation across the life course.
Human connection and relationships are central to our mental health and wellbeing. Throughout evolution, emotional and social bonds have been essential for our survival – we are inherently social animals.
In this manifesto, we set out five areas that the next government must address in order to improve the lives of people with mental health problems and promote the mental health of the nation.