This guide, on young parents’ experiences of loneliness, has been developed by the Mental Health Foundation and The Lullaby Trust.
The top tips have been informed by young parents from across the UK, including 342 responses to a survey and a focus group with young parents.
This guide covers:
- What is loneliness?
- Tips for when feeling: under pressure when comparing to others; stigmatised and stereotyped; socially isolated and excluded; unsure of who you are.
Loneliness is something we all have different feelings about. For me it usually feels like it’s just me floating around not being able to reach out. The longer you’re alone the harder or more daunting it seems to reach out to someone. It can be a hard cycle to break.
I became a mum at 18 years old and now at 24 I’m a mum of 5. I spent the first year of being mum on my own, and feeling looked down on by more ‘mature’ mums. But, it doesn’t define you or your parenting ability, make sure you go out and be proud of yourself and your bab[ies].
Never look at another individual and think your life should be the same. Your situation is different. Mentally remind yourself ‘I’m different’ and embrace that difference.
More about how the Mental Health Foundation is supporting young mothers with their mental health
Amplifying Maternal Voices Project
Where to find support
Little Lullaby, a service of The Lullaby Trust, provides a space where young parents and parents-to-be can chat, tell their story and support each other through pregnancy, birth and beyond.
Find out more about Little Lullaby and how you can get involved (PDF)
If you are struggling with your mental health, please reach out and talk to someone. You can call the Samaritans for free on 116 123 – their phone lines are open all day every day. You could also speak to your doctor, midwife or health visitor.