Rhaglenni Cymru

Mae ein prosiectau’n digwydd ledled Cymru ac maent yn ymdrechu at genhadaeth y Sefydliad Iechyd Meddwl o iechyd meddwl da i bawb – nid dim ond i rai.

Fel ‘Partneriaid Dysgu’ rydym yn creu prosiectau llesiant arloesol gydag eraill. Gyda nhw, rydym yn ceisio darganfod ffyrdd o atal afiechyd meddwl gan ganolbwyntio'n benodol ar fynd i'r afael ag anghydraddoldebau.

Rydyn ni’n ‘ffrind beirniadol’, wrth i ni wrando ar sefydliadau i gefnogi eu dysgu ynghylch llesiant a thynnu sylw at yr effaith maen nhw’n ei chael ar staff neu gymuned. Nid ydym byth yn ailddyfeisio'r olwyn.


Mum and two babies

Families, children and young people

Explore the programmes we work on to support the mental health of children, young people and parents.

Lady smiling at peer support programme


Learn more about our programmes that helps adults understand and improve their mental health.

Two women talking


Explore our programmes about refugees and helping their mental health.

Graphic symbolises the COVID-19 virus

Long Covid Peer Support

Our Long Covid programme applies self-management techniques to long-term conditions, such as COVID-19.

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Illustration showing people connected with circles
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