We are expanding our online learning and professional development offer with high-quality e-learning courses.
Courses currently available:
- Body image and mental health in young people
- Supporting young people using a trauma-informed practice
- Mental health and well-being in the modern workplace
All courses are developed collaboratively between teams across the Mental Health Foundation, pulling together existing work and sharing key learnings.
Find out more about the courses currently available and how you can sign up.

What is FutureLearn?
FutureLearn is an online platform that partners with and hosts courses created by institutions and organisations. Since 2021 we have partnered with FutureLearn to help guide our course development and provide a hosting platform.
This partnership also helps influence our future programmes work, as we turn learnings from our existing projects into new courses, which can then inform the development of new programmes.

Who are the courses aimed at?
The courses are aimed at anyone who has questions about looking after their mental health and supporting the mental health of people around them. The courses will provide the confidence and knowledge to seek help and find the advice and resources they need.
In addition, our courses are aimed directly at professionals who work in the mental health, education, health and social sectors in the UK (and abroad), providing specific guidance on how to prevent poor mental health.
Funding and financial sustainability
Most of our short courses are free, with project funding until March 2024. We are piloting a paid-for course to see if we can make the project financially sustainable.
Explore available courses
Find out more about the courses currently available and how you can sign up.
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