This guide is for children and young people. It has some advice on how to keep yourself mentally healthy. Staying mentally healthy is just as important as staying physically healthy.
It's important that we try to look after our mental health every day. This guide will give you some great tips for how to do that. It will also give you tips on what to do if times get difficult.
We cover:
- What is mental health?
- The mental health spectrum
- Top tips for how to look after your mental health
- Things you can do when times get tough
- Where to go for help
Make it Count: Guide for parents and carers
This guide is for parents and carers to help children understand, protect and sustain their mental health.
Make it Count: Guide for teachers
This guide is for teachers to help them create a classroom and school environment where children can thrive with good mental health.
A-Z Topic: Children and young people
Mental health problems affect around one in six children. They include depression, anxiety and conduct disorder (a type of behavioural problem), and are often a direct response to what is happening in their lives.
Statistics: Children and young people
We take a life-course approach to mental health because good mental health begins in infancy. 20% of adolescents may experience a mental health problem& in any given year.